
Upgrade Info

You can install the latest 5.x/4.x version of the component/module/plugin on top of any older 5.x or 4.x or 3.x component/module/plugin. All php/css files will be overwritten, but no content will be lost.

If you are upgrading you site from Joomla 3 to Joomla 4, please upgrade Ignite Gallery to version 4.7/4.8/4.9. No extra steps are required, version 4.7/4.8/4.9 of the gallery work in Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.

If you are upgrading you site from Joomla 4 to Joomla 5, please upgrade Ignite Gallery to version 5.0 (or above). No extra steps are required, version 5.0 (and above) of the gallery work in Joomla 4 and Joomla 5.

5.0.8 - 17th September 2024

  • Bug Fix #992: Drag and drop re-ordering of images should be enabled by defualt.
  • Bug Fix #991: Fix GDPR consent message not working correctly when lightbox fullscreen is enabled.
  • Bug Fix #990: Fix pagination does not work in gallery module after updating to Joomla 4.4.7/5.1.3.
Content Plugin
  • Bug Fix #990: Fix pagination does not work in content plugin galleries after updating to Joomla 4.4.7/5.1.3.

5.0.7 - 26th August 2024

  • Bug Fix #989: After updating to Joomla 4.4.7 / 5.1.3, the frontend pagination in the gallery stops working.

5.0.6 - 19th August 2024

  • Feature #984: Add options to embed Youtube/Vimeo Videos in a GDPR compliant way, see this page for more info.
  • Feature #983: Add Max Level and Parent drop down filter to the gallery admin list
  • Bug Fix #981: Change twitter share icon to X share icon.
  • Bug Fix #979: In Joomla 5.1, the more actions button above the admin gallery list does not work
  • Bug Fix #987: Thumbscroller click scrolls to far on mobiles
  • Bug Fix #982: Mouse wheel events in the lightbox are too sensitive, they should only swap 1 image per mouse wheel event.
  • Bug Fix #978: In the frontend admin panel, the sef url is not kept after some save tasks

5.0.5 - 13th May 2024

Custom Field Plugin
  • Feature #877: Add new custom field plugin. You can now add a Gallery to a Joomla article by using the custom field method. Please see this page for more info.
  • Feature #971: Add option to add descriptions to multiple images in one task.
  • Feature #962: Mousewheel events now change the lightbox image
  • Change #948: Change cross icon to magnify icon (the open lightbox icon)
  • Bug Fix #966: Database text encoding for new installs is now set to utf8mb4. This allows emoticons in the text. In the next version, the text encoding will be upgraded on all installs.
  • Bug Fix #961: If 2 galleries have a different parent, they can now have the same url alias
  • Bug Fix #976: When a youtube video is added, the no-cookie url should be used
  • Bug Fix #973: Import from server task should created the resized images when the images are imported
  • Bug Fix #970: Fix fatal php error when image is rotated and PHP 8.3 is used
  • Feature #974: Add option to display most downloaded images
  • Bug Fix #972: Fix fatal php error when module and Joomla multifactor login are used
  • Bug Fix #955: Fix Pagination not working in module in version 5 of gallery
Content Plugin
  • Bug Fix #957: Content plugin should not run in Joomla admin to reduce conflicts
Editor Button Plugin
  • Bug Fix #956: Fix conflict with JCE when editing frontend article
Smart Search Image Plugin
  • Bug Fix #952: Don't index public images if the profile access is set to registered
  • Bug Fix #951: Fix links are not correct when pagination in gallery is used

5.0.4 - 5th December 2023

  • Feature #946: Record the amount of times an image has been downloaded, and display it in the edit image page
  • Bug Fix #949: Add Google reCaptcha to gallery comments for Joomla 5. In Joomla 5, the reCaptcha plugin is removed from Joomla. Now you can enter the reCaptcha keys to the gallery options. The gallery has not changed it's function when it works inside Joomla 4, it uses the Joomla reCaptcha plugin.
  • Bug Fix #945: Fix Joomla 5 bug, display of some elements in Joomla admin template dark mode is hard to see.
  • Bug Fix #950: Installer actions should run on the postflight hook, to reduce the chance of install being incomplete if an error happens.

5.0.3 - 13th November 2023

  • Feature #941: Add profile options to display the image owner name/username in the image description
  • Feature #942: Add profile options to display/hide the "Show All" tag filter
  • Feature #936: Add gallery advanced option to choose if canoncial tags are removed from src html
  • Feature #938: The paths in the administrator/components/com_igallery/defines.php file can now be overridden (see comments in file)
  • Bug Fix #944: If image is imported from server and kept in src folder, error when used as menu image
  • Bug Fix #937: Fix image slider height when 2 galleries on the same page with different image heights
  • Bug Fix #943: Fix 5.0 bug, tags cloud has a php error

5.0.2 - 3rd November 2023

  • Bug Fix #933: Fix 5.0 bug, thumbnail on edit image details page has no max width
  • Bug Fix #932: Fix 5.0 bug, tags sometimes not appearing in edit image details page
Content Plugin
  • Bug Fix #935: Fix 5.0 bug, conflict when displayed on Hikashop page
  • Bug Fix #934: Fix 5.0 bug, conflict when displayed on Hikashop page

5.0.1 - 3rd November 2023

  • Bug Fix #931: Fix 5.0 bug, fix compatability with yootheme templates
  • Bug Fix #930: Fix 5.0 bug, watermarking images with font file has an error

5.0.0 - 31st October 2023

  • Feature #927: Add Joomla 5 support. Joomla 3 is not supported in version 5 of Ignite gallery
  • Feature #921: Add field in gallery options to add custom css
  • Feature #922: Add config option to choose if open graph tags are added
  • Feature #916: Add option to allow both guest comments with reCaptcha and registered comments with no recaptcha
  • Bug Fix #926: Improve metro grid layout, space big images more evenly
  • Bug Fix #918: Fix adding vimeo download url not working since vimeo api change
  • Bug Fix #917: Module limit should override pagination limit
  • Bug Fix #919: Fix comments recaptcha not working when two galleries on the page
  • Bug Fix #915: Image hits should not be counted if gallery is most viewed imaegs module
Content Plugin, Editor Button Plugin, Smart Search Plugins, Module
  • Feature #927: Add Joomla 5 support. Joomla 3 is not supported in version 5 of Ignite Gallery

4.9.1 - 3rd April 2023

  • Bug fix #909: Fix version 4.9 bug where uploader will not work if Czech, Danish, Greek, Finnish, Norwegian, Dutch or Slovak is used as the Joomla admin langauge.
  • Bug fix #910: Fix version 4.9 bug where editing a gallery and saving with a non english Joomla admin langauge may raise a date format error.
  • Bug fix #:911 Fix version 4.9 bug where lightbox thumbail scroller max height gets applied to main gallery thumbnail scroller max height.
  • Change #:913 Add Z-A as ordering option for galleries and images.

4.9 - 20th March 2023

  • Feature #834: Add support for SVG images in the gallery. For security reasons, only administartors can add SVG images, and the files are sanatized on upload.
  • Feature #838:Add options to change access/owner/link-behavior on multiple images. The button is above the images list.
  • Feature #839:Add options to change profile or user on multiple galleries. The button is above the gallery list.
  • Feature #890: Add new options to the frontend form fields tab, to allow control over what categories appear in the frontend parent select box.
  • Feature #883: Add profile option to order images by exif data
  • Feature #891: Add advanced config option to choose if videos in the lightbox autoplay
  • Change #882: Add more language support for filepond uploader
  • Bug Fix #893: Fix all PHP depreciation notices in PHP 8.1 and PHP 8.2
  • Bug Fix #893: Changing lazyloading to fix conflict with helix framework.
  • Bug Fix #886: Joomla 4 gallery select boxes should be searchable and allow multiple in the module/plugin.
  • Bug Fix #885: Every delete task should have a confirm dialog.
  • Bug Fix #880: Rounded corners do not show during slide image transition and ken burns effect.
  • Bug Fix #879: Password rederict url is wrong if the gallery plugin is used to display the gallery.
  • Bug Fix #878: In the Joomla 4 frontend image management pages, the sef url/active menu item is not kept on some pages.
  • Bug Fix #:895 Pagination should not be used if limit is set in the module.
  • Bug Fix #898: If the menu image opens the lightbox, the escape key should close the lightbox.
Smart Search Image Plugin.
  • Change #889: In Joomla 4, to show images in the search results, please choose to show images in the smart search options.
  • Change #903: Update to support SVG images.
  • Bug Fix #899: Fix module not working in SP Page Builder.
  • Bug Fix #884: Fix php error if tags cloud is used an no images have views.
Content Plugin.
  • Bug Fix #897: Fix php error if content plugin accessed by a Joomla API request.
Search Plugin.
  • Change #904: Update to support SVG images.

4.8.2 - 26th October 2022
  • Feature #742: On upload, the gallery will import the exif camera info if present: Camera Make/Model, Date, Aperture, Exposure time, ISO, Focal length, GPS location. You can choose to display this info in the gallery profile settings - image descriptions section.
  • Feature #875: Add advanced config option to choose if image links are added to the source html.
  • Feature #864: Add advanced config option to choose if joomla transliterator or php transliterator is used.
  • Feature #861: Add advanced config option to choose if to do utf8 conversion on exif data.
  • Change #860: Remove depreciated plupload uploader. Filepond if now default, and html5 form is a backup.
  • Change #841: Improve look of the thumbnail video play icon
  • Change #805: Show slideshow share buttons directly in toolbar, not on a drop down
  • Change #871: Update mobile detect library
  • Bug Fix #804: Frontend edit image and edit image list should have a lightbox opened when thumb is clicked.
  • Bug Fix #870: Gallery folder should not change name when gallery name changes
  • Bug Fix #867: Fix height of frontend editor is to small in Joomla 4.1
  • Bug Fix #866: Do not make the gallery fullscreen by default on android, this allows pinch/zoom on the image
  • Bug Fix #858: Fix php notices and warnings in PHP 8.1
Smart Search Image Plugin.
  • Bug Fix #:868 Images within the search result do not display if the image has a long description.
  • Bug Fix #865: Add date to results so they can be sorted by date
  • Bug Fix #876: Add better label and description for add links setting.
Content Plugin.
  • Bug Fix #869: Add warning if no gallery selected.
  • Bug Fix #863: Fix non-English characters not being selected in tag filter

4.8.1 - 30th May 2022
  • Feature #855: Add migration script for the new filesystem that was added in version 4.8. Please see this page for more info.
  • Feature #852: Add profile option to choose the ordering of the menu images (ordering, latest, oldest, last modified, random, alphabetical, most viewed).
  • Feature #853: Add component option to choose if tagged gallery search results are partial match or exact match.
  • Bug Fix #848: Fix version 4.8 bug where download image task removes part of the filename after any dashes in the filename.
  • Bug Fix #847: Fix setting gallery access to registered makes an error in Joomla 4.
  • Bug Fix #844: Fix menu image opens lightbox function should hide the page scrollbar.
  • Bugfix #854: Fix gallery created date changes on save task, when the website time zone is set to America.

4.8 - 4th April 2022
  • Feature #792: Add new filesystem. Uploaded images are now stored in one folder for each gallery. Images uploaded before version 4.8 will remain in the same place. A migration feature will be added to the next version, the migration feature will allow moving of the old images to the new folders. This will be added at the end of April.
  • Feature #833: Add component option to choose if imported images from server remain in folder or are imported to gallery folders.
  • Feature #829: Extra fields should show in frontend image upload panel.
  • Bug Fix #828: Fix profile tabs not saving tab position in Joomla 3.10.
  • Bug Fix #830: Component should store modified date of gallery in the database.
  • Bug Fix #831: Tagged gallery search results should search for single and multi words.
  • Bug Fix #832: Tagged gallery search results should search image description and filename too.
Smart Search Image Plugin, Search Plugin, Image inserter plugin.
  • Update #819: Update to be compatible with version 4.8 component.

4.7.6 - 22nd November 2021
  • Bug Fix #827: Some profile fields not showing selected option in Joomla 4 with Chrome browser.

4.7.5 - 15th November 2021
  • Bug Fix #812: Fix download from vimeo url task not working after vimeo change api in October.
  • Bug Fix #799: Fix editor button not working in frontend in Joomla 3.10 and Joomla 4.
  • Bug Fix #817: Fix Joomla 4 bug where frontend up down order icons sometimes do not reorder image.
  • Bug Fix #816: Fix rating icon alignment in Joomla 4 template.
  • Bug Fix #810: Fix Joomla 4 bug, after clicking on search result item, can not go back to search results.
  • Bug Fix #808: Fix Joomla 4 bug where moderate icons can not be clicked on directly.
  • Bug Fix #802: Fix Joomla 4 bug where text editor heights are too small.
  • Bug Fix #814: The link in the admin comments list should link to the image not the gallery.
  • Bug Fix #823: Fix comments list not show when lightbox off.
  • Bug Fix #821: Recaptcha in comments should be below textarea.
  • Bug Fix #820: Fix extra field info shows over thumbs when thumb description is set to not display.
  • Bug Fix #798: Fix 4.7 bug, if tags have spaces in them, the tag url in the fronented does not load images.
  • Bug Fix #785: If thumb padding is set to 0px, all white space in thumbnail scroller should be removed.
Smart Search Plugins
  • Bug Fix #819: Update smart search index when galleries/images are added/deleted/published.
  • Bug Fix #801: Finder plugins should search for image tags.
Search Plugin
  • Bug Fix #824: Fix bug where images uploaded after 4.7 component upgrade are not displayed in search results.

4.7.4 - 13th September 2021
  • Bug Fix #797: Fix version 4.7 bug, database upgrade script has an error when updating from gallery version 4.5 or lower.

4.7.3 - 13th September 2021
  • Bug Fix #796: Fix version 4.7 bug, watermark image does not stay saved to profile when profile is saved a second time.

4.7.2 - 7th September 2021
  • Bug Fix #793: Fix version 4.7 sef bug in Joomla 4. Non sef urls show in child galleries when sef urls are turned on.
  • Bug Fix #794: Fix version 4.7 search input bug in Joomla 4. When the search image field is set to display, the search results page shows an error.
Smart Search Plugins
  • Bug Fix #794: Fix version 4.7 search index bug in Joomla 4. The gallery and image smart search plugins should add a type when indexing items.
Content Plugin
  • Bug Fix #795: Fix version 4.7 content plugin bug, sometimes an notice message showing igpid displays in the frontend of the website.

4.7.1 - 2nd September 2021
  • Bug Fix #791: Fix version 4.7 bug where gallery title does not save on Joomla 3 + Unix servers.

4.7 - 30th August 2021
  • Feature #789: Added Joomla 4 support. Version 4.7 works in Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.
Content plugin
  • Feature #789: Added Joomla 4 support. Version 4.7 works in Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.
  • Feature #789: Added Joomla 4 support. Version 4.7 works in Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.
Search Plugin
  • Feature #789: Added Joomla 4 support. Version 4.7 works in Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.

4.6 - 6th June 2021
  • Feature #787: Add extra fields tab to gallery options. 4 category extra fields can be enabled. 4 image extra fields can be enabled. See this page for more info.
  • Bug Fix #726: Fix gallery frontend admin panel functions incorrectly if template uses bootstrap 3/4.
  • Bug Fix #761: Fix Fileponder uploader not supporting webp uploads.
  • Bug Fix #782: Fix metro grid layout on small mobiles not align correct.
  • Bug Fix #758: Add profile option to turn off thumb lazyloading. This prevents a conflict with jch optomise plugin.
  • Bug Fix #781: Fix if tag filters are clicked on twice, lightbox images have the wrong image url shown.
  • Bug Fix #779: Fix lightbox image is wrong ratio after iphone screen rotation.
  • Bug Fix #775: Fix adding multiple tags task does not prevent image have two identical tags.
  • Bug Fix #774: Saving image is disabled message should be translated to other languages.
  • Bug Fix #768: Fix frontend image management pagination not working on templates that do not load joomla admin javascript.
  • Bug Fix #769: Fix profile option slideshow image advances to last, it does not save on new installs.
  • Bug Fix #786: Improve error reporting when updating component and subscription id is missing.

***Joomla 4 is not supported yet, but it will be supported in the next version. The next version will be released in August.

4.5 - 8th February 2021
  • Feature #721: Add option to have gallery open directly in lightbox, when menu image is clicked on. This option is in the profile settings - menu tab.
  • Feature #743: Add option to have gallery output webp images instead of jpeg (webp is a new image format with better compression). This can be turned on in the gallery component options. There is also an option to output jpeg images to older browsers.
  • Feature #699: Add option to display menu images in metro grid.
  • Feature #716: Add option to show a dotnav on top of the main image.
  • Feature #600: Add option to choose if last image can advance to the first image.
  • Feature #767: Add Filepond uploader by PQINA.
  • Change #768: The Plupload option is now depreciated. The Plupload project is no longer maintained. Plupload will be removed in version 4.6. Sometimes images are not rotated correctly with Plupload, please use the Filepond option.
  • Feature #751: Allow frontend gallery creation panel to choose crop position and to change image source. This can be set in the gallery component options.
  • Feature #733: Make creation date editable.
  • Feature #750: Edit gallery page and manage images page have a link to each other at the top.
  • Change #752: The gallery no longer requires Curl to get the youtube/vimeo video, the Joomla API is now used.
  • Bug Fix #748: Frontend admin panel permissions should allow second and third gallery owners to do the task of the owner.
  • Bug Fix #747: Fix request to get youtube video only downloads image but not video content. This happened because since Decemember 2020 youtube requires all requests to be over https. See this page for more info.
  • Bug Fix #762: Fix fatal PHP errors in PHP version 8. PHP8 is now supported. The gallery still works with PHP 7.
  • Bug Fix #759: Fix html validation errors.
  • Bug Fix #753: Filename from youtube/vimeo should be transliterated and cleaned up to have only hyphens and dashes.
  • Bug Fix #735: Tag filters above grid should be displayed alphabetically
Content plugin
  • Feature #711: Multiple galleries can be chosen in the gallery select box.
  • Feature #711: Multiple galleries can be chosen in the gallery select box.
Search plugin
  • Bug Fix #745: Fix if the image description is long, the image html tag does not show in search results.

4.4 - 3rd August 2020
  • Feature #626: Add function to update from the Joomla admin panel. After downloading and installing version 4.4, please copy the subscription id from the downloads page, and enter it into the gallery options. The gallery can now be updated from the Joomla extension manager - update tab.
  • Feature #672: Add plugins to support Joomla smart search indexing.
  • Change #674: The image name in the url should use dashes not underscores for better SEO.
  • Feature #599: The gallery alias should allow unicode characters if Joomla global config allows unicode aliases.
  • Feature #732: Add Lithuanian Language.
  • Bug Fix #599: Unicode filenames should be transliterated before being changed to english.
  • Bug Fix #731: Chrome mobile shows blue square when grid image opens lightbox
  • Bug Fix #611: Large image should be used when gallery url is shared to facebook
  • Bug Fix #707: Fix zoom button function doubles when lightbox opened second time
  • Bug Fix #723: Fix tag autocomplete breaks if there is a comma in the tag
  • Bug Fix #724: Moderate icons not show in admin section
  • Bug Fix #706: Fix clicking on first lightbox image makes the image smaller
  • Bug Fix #730: Fix image incorrect rotation on upload if it has exif rotation data
  • Bug Fix #727: Fix import from server puts foldername into image name
  • Bug Fix #705: Fix bottom of tall images not showing on mobiles
Search Plugin
  • Change image links to to have dash not underscore.

4.3.1 - 27th April 2020
  • Support Change #683: Joomla Version 2.5 is no longer supported.
  • Improvement #694: Thumb scroller can be swiped on touch devices.
  • Improvement #688: Ken burns effect now has random directions.
  • Improvement #690: Add password field to frontend create gallery form.
  • Bug Fix #678: Fix 4.3 bug where tags with 2 words showed twice in tag filters
  • Bug Fix #679: Fix 4.3 bug where lightbox would not open in Internet Explorer version 11.
  • Bug Fix #633: Fix bug where bottom of portrait images are not shown when gallery responds down on mobiles.
  • Bug Fix #680: If users share the gallery page url on facebook, the bigger lightbox image should be shared.
  • Bug Fix #681: In the gallery comments, the show name or username config option should be followed
  • Bug Fix #682: Fix 4.3 bug where the gallery has a javascript conflict with templates that use the isotope library
  • Bug Fix #684: Fix 4.3 bug where long tags would not wrap
  • Bug Fix #685: Fix 4.3 bug where tags landing page should have tag name in page title
  • Bug Fix #686: Fix 4.3 bug where tags displayed over grid images don't link to the tags landing page
  • Bug Fix #689: Fix bug where gallery module stops display of frontend Joomla editor.
  • Bug Fix #691: Fix bug where closing lightbox when slideshow is playing, lightbox re-opens
  • Bug Fix #695: If the image in the grid does not take up the width of the block, a gap might appear in the grid.
  • Bug Fix #697: Remove image var from url when lightbox is closed and grid is shown.
  • Bug Fix #698: If single gallery type is chosen in module/plugin, search children option should allow searching of child galleries.
  • Bug Fix #701: Improve look of justified grid layout on mobiles

4.3 - 25th February 2020
  • Feature #571: Add tag filters option to the gallery thumbnail grid display, this can be turned on in the profile options - see demo
  • Feature #567: Add tags autocomplete in admin section.
  • Feature #505: Add password protect option to gallery.
  • Feature #598: Html5 video tags can be pasted to the images video embed field.
  • Feature #638: Add profile option to show text under grid thumbnail instead of over it.
  • Feature #647: Video urls can be added using the frontend upload page.
  • Feature #639: Add Indonesian language.
  • Feature #676: Comments can be edited in the admin interface.
  • Improvement #665: Layout of the admin interface improvements, 2 columns added to some forms in backend, new icons in the frontend.
  • Improvement #615: Lightbox preloads 2 images instead of 1.
  • Update #663: Upgrade plupload library to 2.3.6
  • Update #662: Upgrade mobile detect library to 2.8.34
  • Bug Fix #670: Fix adding a link to text over grid thumbnail does not work
  • Bug Fix #668: Fix metro grid can generate extra images
  • Bug Fix #667: Fix some non-english characters are not imported correctly from images iptc and exif data
  • Bug Fix #666: Gallery select boxes in admin interface should have a search option
  • Bug Fix #660: Play icon over Vimeo video thumbnail does not display correct
  • Bug Fix #659: Fix youtube fetch video from url function can get restricted access on some sites
  • Bug Fix #650: Fix Pinterest lightbox button image preview may not show if thumbnail grid is used.
  • Bug Fix #649: Recapture in comments should reset if comment is added
  • Bug Fix #648: Thumb grid images should have placeholder image before lazyloading is done
  • Bug Fix #645: Fix zoom button not work correctly if the page is scrolled down before opening lightbox
  • Bug Fix #644: Fix image and gallery ordering task may not save on a small amount of sites.
  • Bug Fix #643: Fix lightbox description can be seen below lightbox thumbs when it auto hides
  • Bug Fix #635: Fix comments below not display correct when pagination is displayed
  • Feature #520: Add tags cloud option to the module.

4.2 - 10th June 2019
  • Feature #519: Image name in url now changes when image is swapped, adding a hash (#) to the url is not longer used.
  • Feature #576: Add ken burns effect option to main image options.
  • Feature #625: Add slideshow play button to main image options.
  • Feature #605: Add transition duration option to main image and lightbox image.
  • Feature #602: Add 2 new hover effects for thumbnails. Zoom on hover and zoom with icon on hover.
  • Feature #549: Add ordering boxes to the admin section. Images can be ordered by drag and drop, or by entering an order number and clicking save order.
  • Feature #627: Images can be renamed before upload. Images are renamed by clicking on the filename in the uploader list.
  • Feature #629: New version info is shown above the gallery list, this can be turned off in the component options.
  • Change #566: Rounded corners are now done with css. Rounded corners are not added to the image file anymore.
  • Bug Fix #616: Back button should go back to last page, not to last image.
  • Bug Fix #628: When an image is shared, it should have open graph width and height added. Facebook now requires this to have the image preview show when image is shared for the first time.
  • Bug Fix #612: Improve the smoothness of the grid loading during the page load event
  • Change #607: Change masonry grid library from macy.js to masonry.js by desandro
Search Plugin 4.2
  • Change #613: Change image links to work with version 4.2 image urls.

4.1 - 25th February 2019
  • Feature #593: Add Metro grid option to profile settings, please see the gallery demo for an example.
  • Feature #592: Add option to show slideshow play/pause icon in lightbox.
  • Feature #552: Add option to show a image zoom button in the lightbox. The zoomed image can be dragged.
  • Feature #595: Add option to add youtube or vimeo video by url. The server needs to have the php curl extension enabled
  • Change #619: Remove Google Plus button option, Google plus will close in April 2019.
  • Bug Fix #594: Fix sometimes there is an image flicker when the lightbox image swaps
  • Bug Fix #621: Long image descriptions can be to tall on mobiles, limit height and make overflow
  • Bug Fix #609: Lightbox descriptions should have an overlay background color for better contrast
  • Bug Fix #601: Fix image not show if lazyloading is on and there are images in the image description
  • Bug Fix #590: Fix alignment of cross-enlarge icon when images are different sizes.
  • Bug Fix #614: Fix long image descriptions go behind lightbox thumbs if lightbox thumbs set to side position.
  • Bug Fix #597: Fix image shown in wrong dimensions when IE11 is used as browser and window is resized.
  • Bug Fix #591: Fix slideshow arrows are too big in some templates.

4.0.3 - 15th October 2018
  • Feature #572: Add function to receive email when new comment added. This can be turned on in the component options.
  • Bug Fix #589: Increase click space around slideshow and lightbox arrows
  • Bug Fix #588: Fix gallery display in tabs and sliders
  • Bug Fix #587: Thumbs scroller position should update to stay current with big image
  • Bug Fix #586: Fix rating number display when ratings have 3 digits
  • Bug Fix #585: Add rel=0 to youtube video urls so related videos can only show from same channel
  • Bug Fix #584: Make lightbox image and alt text more transparent to search engine crawlers
  • Bug Fix #583: Fix menu images justified grid, so it works when blocks have no menu images
  • Bug Fix #582: Image view collections will be off by defualt on new installs, this is done to reduce calls to the server, they can be enabled in the component options.
  • Bug Fix #581: When lightbox descriptions are set to bottom, the container should scroll vertically if the description is big
  • Bug Fix #580: Fix extra tall images being cropped in slideshow if the lightbox is set to off.
  • Bug Fix #578: Fix 4.0.2 bug where first image could get multiple image view counts
  • Bug Fix #577: Fix lightbox in admin image view list may show data instead of image
  • Bug Fix #575: Fix 4.0.2 bug where video in main gallery might have 0 height and not display
  • Bug Fix #574: Video iframes should be lazy loaded if not current video
  • Bug Fix #573: Add play icon to image thumbs in admin section if there is a video for the image

4.0.2 - 27th August 2018
  • Feature #553: Add scale transition option to main image and lightbox.
  • Bug Fix #570: Fix comments overflow not showing on small screen sizes
  • Bug Fix #569: Fix lightbox layout when thumbs and comments below
  • Bug Fix #568: Fix gaps in justified grid layout on small screens
  • Bug Fix #565: Increase size of lightbox arrows
  • Change #564: Upgrade uikit bundle to rc11
  • Bug Fix #563: Fix conflict with gantry framework where the mobile menu may not stay open.
  • Bug Fix #562: Fix thumb grid jumping when fullscreen exits
  • Bug Fix #561: Android back button should close fullscreen
  • Bug Fix #560: Escape key should exit lightbox fullscreen
  • Bug Fix #559: fix google drive videos not playing in lightbox
  • Bug Fix #557: Remove showing of image title when image is hovered
  • Bug Fix #556: Fix grid layout when by rows is the type and when screen size is over 2500px wide
  • Bug Fix #555: Fix vimeo video not playing in lightbox
  • Bug Fix #554: Fix text overlay in thumbs grid not matching image width
  • Change #550: Comments should display username not full name
  • Bug Fix #548: Fix username not shown immediatly after comment added
  • Bug Fix #547: Fix menu images grid layout when justified grid chosen and text is set to below the image.
  • Bug Fix #546: Increase lightbox z-index so lightbox is on top of template drop down menus
  • Bug Fix #545: Fix lazy loading not working when multiple galleries on the page
  • Bug Fix #544: Fix wrong lightbox image can show when 2 galleries on the same page

4.0.1 - 9th July 2018
  • Bug Fix #541: Add more space between lightbox buttons so easier to use on touch devices
  • Bug Fix #539: Thumb arrows press on tablets scrolls arrows to far
  • Bug Fix #538: Fix video play icon on thumbs grid should be white not blue
  • Bug Fix #537: Improve smoothness of masonry grid page load and allow different order if grid is not even
  • Bug Fix #536: Fix lightbox and thumb arrows wrong position on right to left websites
  • Bug Fix #534: Fix warning shows when php 7.2 and full error erporting is on
  • Bug Fix #532: Fix lightbox comments and descriptions not aligned
  • Bug Fix #531: Comments form should hide on image swap
Content Plugin, Search Plugin, Editor Button Plugin, Module
  • Change #533: Change version number to 4.0. There have been no changes to these since version 3.8, the version change is to align it with the new component version.

4.0 - 2nd July 2018
  • Feature #523: Add comments function to the gallery. Jcomments integration is no longer used.
  • Feature #527: Thumbnails will scroll when the thumb arrow is hovered.
  • Bug Fix #526: The delay before the controls in the lightbox hide should be longer
  • Bug Fix #524: Remove click on lightbox background closes lightbox behavior.

4.0 Release Candidate 2 - 4th of June 2018
  • Bug Fix #518: Fix 4.0rc1 bug where facebook share link does not open lightbox when thumbs grid is used
  • Bug Fix #517: Fix 4.0rc1 bug where thumbs set to left or right did not have left or right spacing
  • Bug Fix #517: Fix 4.0rc1 bug where main gallery descriptions always show if lightbox tags set to yes
  • Bug Fix #500: Fix 4.0rc1 bug where lightbox gallery arrows are blue not white
  • Bug Fix #497: Fix 4.0rc1 bug where clicking on lightbox image closes gallery
  • Bug Fix #496: Fix 4.0rc1 bug where lightbox thumb arrows show when there is no overflow
  • Bug Fix #495: Fix 4.0rc1 bug where lighbox closes on window resize

4.0 Release Candidate 1 - 21st May 2018
  • Feature #450: Rebuild gallery using uikit 3 components.This is major change to the gallery layout. Please see the gallery demo for the new look.
  • Feature #451: Change 5 star ratings to heart ratings.
  • Change #455: Jcomments support has been removed, the gallery now has built in comments. Please see the common questions section to migrate the comments.
  • Change #456: Remove images per row setting in profile thumbnails tab. The scroller will always be one row of images and the grid can be many rows.
  • Change #457: Remove show thumbs scrollbar and arrows setting in profile main thumbs tab, the scroller will auto show arrows when needed.
  • Change #458: Remove report image option in profile
  • Change #459: Slideshow play button has been removed, slideshow autostart can be set, and the slideshow will play and pause on hover
  • Change #461: Remove lightbox color options. The lightbox will be styled black, but css can be used to change this

3.8.3 - 25th September 2017
  • Improvement #440: upgrade all gallery icons
  • Improvement #428: add link to the thumb image in the backend edit pages, so full image can be seen
  • Bug Fix #442: fix 3.8.2 bug where page might need refresh after update
  • Bug Fix #435: center full screen display on safari
  • Bug Fix #431: fix 3.8.2 bug where filename always shows over justified grid images on hover
  • Bug Fix #439: fix 3.8.2 bug where thumb arrows in scroller don't show if page load is slow
  • Bug Fix #434: fix bug where frontend save of gallery has wrong order if the parent is not shown in form
  • Bug Fix #432: fix 3.8.2 bug where frontend delete of gallery not working
Upgrade Info:

You can install the latest 3.x version of the component/module/plugin on top of any older 3.x component/module/plugin. All php/css files will be overwritten, but no content will be lost. If nescessary, you can also revert to an older 3.x version by installing the older version on top of the newer one.

3.8.2 - 28th August 2017
  • Feature #379: Add option for menu grid padding.
  • Feature #392: Option to not show menu heading.
  • Feature #412: Option to have menu image access set to owner only.
  • Improvement #391: Alt text should autopopulate from the filename.
  • Bug Fix #398: Fix lazy loaded images might not align in justified grid display.
  • Bug Fix #299: Allow multiple category delete.
  • Bug Fix #419: Images in grid should not display at big size on page load before grid does layout
  • Bug Fix #415: fullscreen icon not visible with white lightbox background
  • Bug Fix #411: Javascript should be put in html body, with a fall back option to include in the document head
  • Bug Fix #410: Slideshow autostart should pause when left/right icon pressed
  • Bug Fix #384: Fix lightbox full screen may have wrong top margin if opened from bottom of the page.
Search plugin
  • Bug Fix #390: Search results filename title should have no underscores and numbers in it.

3.8.1 - 30th January 2017
  • Feature #329: Add profile option to open lightbox in full screen.
  • Improvement #381: Add option to show/hide published field in frontend upload pages.
  • Improvement #383: Add random ordering option to profile settings.
  • Improvement #372: If image has embedded media, a play icon should show
  • Bug Fix #382: Fix 3.8 bug where lazyloading of images in scroller can make the scroller height to high
  • Bug Fix #380: Fix 3.8 bug where info under thumbs would not show in justified grid
  • Bug Fix #376: Fix 3.8 bug where menu heading is set to white when the heading is under the image
  • Bug Fix #377: Fix 3.8 bug where hover effect on images makes ipad click delayed
  • Bug Fix #369: Fix 3.8 bug where video embed in lightbox does not take full width
  • Bug Fix #371: Fix 3.8 bug where lightbox background color on mobile does not match profile settings.

3.8 - 16th January 2017
  • Feature #1037: Use Joomla update to notify about new updates, updates need to be downloaded from the gallery website.
  • Feature #979: Add image option to add media embed code to each image. The media embed code can be the youtube/vimeo/soundcloud or other website embed code, and it will replace the big image with video or sound.
  • Feature #1056: Add justified image grid option.
  • Feature #1000: Add profile option to lazy load thumbnails.
  • Feature #1005: Add component options param to disable image right click and save.
  • Feature #1002: Add profile option to have image description or gallery description on top of the image.
  • Feature #872: Add profile option to have a mouseover fade effect on images.
  • Feature #1038: Profile option to turn off lightbox on mobiles.
  • Feature #926: Add image option to swap the image source, the image description etc is kept.
  • Bug Fix #1062: Fix conflict with Aimy sitemap extension
  • Bug Fix #1049: Remove mootools requirement from the frontend upload images pages. Mootools is now only required in the Joomla admin section.
  • Bug Fix #1020: Change social buttons so no iframe is reloaded on image swap, this makes the image transition smoother on mobiles
  • Bug Fix #1042: Fix html validation errors
  • Bug Fix #1041: Fix javascript conflict when another extension loads mootools more and calls the mootools getsize funtion.
Content plugin, Editor Plugin, Search Plugin, Module
  • Feature #1037: Use Joomla update to notify about new updates, updates need to be downloaded from the gallery website.

3.7.1 - 29th August 2016
  • Feature #1021: Add option to choose heading type in menu tab of profile.
  • Feature #1028: Add option to choose responsive grid gutter size to the profile main thumbs tab.
  • Feature #1022: Add option to arrange responsive grid by rows or columns, option is in profile menu tab and in profile main thumbs tab.
  • Bug Fix #1034: Fix 3.7 bug where pinch zoom is not active on main image
  • Bug Fix #1030: Make lightbox image on mobiles go full width of screen
  • Bug Fix #1024: Fix 3.7 bug where bottom of lightbox image might not show when the lightbox responds down.

3.7 - 1st August 2016
  • Feature #995: Make menu image layout a responsive grid.
  • Feature #981: Make gallery thumbs layout a responsive grid.
  • Feature #980: Add swipe behavior and horizontal transition.
  • Feature #837: Add drag and drop re-ordering to gallery admin section.
  • Feature #987: Gallery views now require jquery and no longer require mootools. The frontend upload section still requires mootools, this will be changed to jquery soon.
  • Feature #884: Add multilanguage to plupload.
  • Feature #974: Option to show alt text in image description.
  • Feature #970: Option to import iptc title.
  • Feature #833: Option to choose crop position of thumb .
  • Feature #963: Escape key closes lightbox.
  • Bug Fix #998: Frontend email moderations no longer work after joomla 3.5 upgrade
  • Bug Fix #993: Fix php7 depreciation notices
  • Bug Fix #964: Tab position should remain when profile saved.
  • Bug Fix #961: Exif file rotation paramter within image should be read
Search Plugin
  • Feature #983: The search plugin now does the image inserting, the image inserter plugin has been removed.

3.6.8 - 17th August 2015
  • Bug Fix #936: Fix possible search routing errors when sef urls on
  • Bug Fix #929: Fix image hits possiblly not registered when sef urls on
  • Bug Fix #946: Fix twitter button jumps on image swap
  • Bug Fix #945: Improve firefox image sharpness
  • Bug Fix #955: Fix slideshow arrows transparency not staying on mobiles
  • Bug Fix #953: update plupload to 2.1.3
  • Bug Fix #948: Fix link can inherit to next image if single link and lightbox off
  • Bug Fix #940: Highest rated module has error when ratings off in profile
  • Bug Fix #935: Add remove tag should be controlled by edit state permission
  • Bug Fix #931: Moderate image task should be controlled by edit state permission
  • Bug Fix #925: Add default limit to tags module
Search and Image inserter plugin
  • Bug Fix #939: wrong image can be inserted with long image ids
  • Bug Fix #934: hide images from search results if restriced permissions on image
  • Bug Fix #933: search link to image not correct if pagination is on in gallery

3.6.7 - 4th November 2014
  • Feature #766: Gallery can have up to 4 owners and in profile settings gallery access can be restricted to owners.
  • Bug Fix #923: Make facebook comments box responsive when in left/right position
  • Bug Fix #917: Fix moderation emails sent twice when multiple emails addresses added.
  • Bug Fix #914: Fix pagination issues introduced with Joomla 3.3.4
  • Bug Fix #912: Fix menu images not align when multiple modules on the page
  • Bug Fix #911: Fix backend ratings pagination
  • Bug Fix #909: Should be success message after upload images
  • Bug Fix #908: Fix mobile detect conflicts with other extensions using this library
  • Bug Fix #906: Fix gallery router handling 404 correctly

3.6.6 - 22th September 2014
  • Feature #860: Add profile option to auto hide thumbs and show left right arrows for mobiles.
  • Feature #901: Add option to display name or username to component options.
  • Improvement #825: Pinterest button should load the image description if it exists.
  • Improvement #865: Update plupload to 2.1.2.
  • Bug Fix #900: Fix rounding differences in safari.
  • Bug Fix #903: Fix frontend uploader not work in Joomla 3.x when suffix added to sef urls
  • Bug Fix #899: Fix jcomments latest comments link not loading lightbox image
  • Bug Fix #898: Facebook comments and descriptions should always be in below position for mobiles
  • Bug Fix #895: Fix bug where image has been rotated and the height may be to big
  • Bug Fix #893: Fix social buttons align incorrect if templates sets big line height
  • Bug Fix #892: Categories and Images count should have plural and non plural form
  • Bug Fix #891: Improve transition for multiple image swaps when fade transition is on
  • Bug Fix #890: Fix magnify icon aligns incorrect in latest Safari
  • Bug Fix #888: Fix tag links under thumbs should not go to a page with menu images
  • Bug Fix #886: Improve visibilty of big images when google crawls images.
  • Bug Fix #881: Fix thumbs arrows go on top of thumb pagination
  • Bug Fix #879: fix thumb pagination not working in module/plugin
  • Bug Fix #877: Make slideshow left right arrows bigger on mobiles/tablets
  • Bug Fix #875: Fix menu image titles align incorrect if no menu images
  • Bug Fix #866: Improve update script to run correctly if the db is empty and if debug mode is on
  • Bug Fix #782: Fix facebook legacy urls option not sharing image correctly with share button

3.6.5 - 17th June 2014
  • Feature #842: Add in profile options to select the color and opacity of the lightbox backgrounds.
  • Feature #822: Add profile options to show image author and show category author
  • Feature #715: Add option to show the image hits.
  • Improvement #838: The columns option in the menu tab of the profile has been removed. The columns will auto adjust depending on the width of the users device.
  • Improvement #818: Preloading of images will only preload the first 12 images, the rest will be preloaded when an image close to it is viewed.
  • Bug Fix #850: Fix when when main image is hidden, screen jumps position on lightbox close event.
  • Bug Fix #844: Fix google plus button incorrect display for right to left users
  • Bug Fix #841: Fix google plus button not showing when 3 or more galleries on the same page
  • Bug Fix #849: Fix search going to tagged gallery function not working if jquery is on the page
  • Bug Fix #834: If lightbox description container height set to 0, the height should auto adjust
  • Bug Fix #788: Fix gallery with plain style inheriting the grey border style from a gallery on the same page.
  • Bug Fix #781: Thumbs should be centered if they don't fit the gallery width.
  • Bug Fix #871: Fix editor text fields in the admin section of Joomla 3.0 are to tall.

3.6.4 - 20th May 2014
  • Feature #717: Add pinterest button.
  • Feature #708: Add option to make facebook comments match image description position. If image descriptions are set to left/right facebook comments will be too.
  • Improvement #704: Update plupload to 2.1.1.
  • Improvement #817: The gallery no longer requires the mootools more javascript file.
  • Bug Fix #832: Fix image list pagination in frontend admin view.
  • Bug Fix #829: Fix bug where lightbox background does not show when youtube vid is embedded on page and chrome is browser
  • Bug Fix #824: Fix profiles view pagination
  • Bug Fix #823: Fix tags matching similar words
  • Bug Fix #816: Fix 3.6.3 bug where random image module with 1 image does not work

3.6.3 - 14th April 2014
  • Peformance #810: Fix bug introduced in version 3.5 where sites with many thousands of images would run slower when menu images are displayed.
  • Peformance #808: Improve performance of random images module.
  • Bug Fix #812: Fix menu image pagination divs are output when no pagination is present.
  • Bug Fix #807: Fix menu image displaying wrong image if default to first image is off and no image is selected.
  • Bug Fix #806: Fix bug where frontend uploading would not work when add suffix to urls is on and the eorisis Piwik plugin is used.

3.6.2 - 11th March 2014
  • Improvement: Change thumb arrows so they sit on top of thumbs and so the hover/scroll behavior happens only over the arrow.
  • Improvement #718: Autoscroll thumbs into view if the slideshow buttons have advanced to a thumb that is out of view.
  • Improvement #800: Always show thumb scrollbars for touch devices for better touch navigation.
  • Improvement #790: Improve alignment of blocks within gallery.
  • Bug Fix #796: Fix 3.6 bug where gallery editor button plugin would not show in frontend.
  • Bug Fix #795: Fix strict standard error warning showing in Joomla 3.x profile view.
  • Bug Fix #793: Fix 3.6.1 bug where social buttons did not align correct on small window sizes.
  • Bug Fix #784: Fix 3.6.1 bug where report image form would not appear.
  • Bug Fix #783: Fix report image task returning to component page if report was done from module page.

3.6.1 - 18th February 2014
  • Bug Fix #778: Fix 3.6 bug where lightbox will not close if lightbox slideshow arrows are set to left right position and set to hidden.
  • Bug Fix #701: Improve alignment of blocks within main gallery. More improvments will come in 3.6.2

3.6 - 11th February 2014
  • Feature #748: Add in more flexible tasks for frontend access control.
  • Feature #749: Redo frontend admin views so all html and css comes from the gallery an no template input is needed.
  • Feature #755: Added import iptc keywords function.
  • Feature #759: Upgrade slideshow icons and make left right slideshow icons transparent.
  • Feature #758: Upgrade download icon.
  • Feature #751: Put lightbox close button on corner.
  • Bug Fix #765: Change javascript to be compatible with rockettheme framework 4.1.20
  • Bug Fix #764: fix bug with fababo component where title is not translated
  • Bug Fix #761: Fix 3.5.1 bug where menu images and gallery on same page makes javascript error
  • Bug Fix #760: Fix 3.5.1 bug where clicking on shared image in facebook does not load correct image on site.
  • Bug Fix #757: Fix 3.5.1 bug where if gallery has main image hidden, lightbox close event moves page to the top
  • Bug Fix #754: Fixed magnify icon display incorrect position in chrome with rockettheme template.
  • Bug Fix #750: Make resized images for component display on upload, makes upload slower but first page load of gallery fast.
Content plugin
  • Bug Fix #747: Fix plugin gallery display breaks if 2 plugin article code blocks have the same id
Editor Button Plugin, Search Plugin, Image Inserter Plugin, Module
  • Small code changes for version 3.6 compatibility have been added.

3.5.1 - 14th January 2014
  • Feature #736: Add meta title and meta description fields to gallery.
  • Feature #706: Add global component option to use facebook share button instead of facebook like button.
  • Feature #734: Add Slovak language.
  • Bug Fix #746: Fix tags links not seaching all galleries if no top level parent.
  • Bug Fix #744: Allow js in descriptions if Joomla filter settings allow js for that user.
  • Bug Fix #739: Fix search engines being served extra unnesscessary urls.
  • Bug Fix #737: Fix start publishing and finish publishing incrementing on save.
  • Bug Fix #729: Fix frontend admin page urls not working on nginx server.
  • Bug Fix #727: Make sure uploaded files have a unique name.
  • Bug Fix #725: Fix lightbox aligning incorrectly in right to left sites.
  • Bug Fix #724: Fix ratings not refreshing after making a rating in IE8.
  • Bug Fix #722: Fix buttons aligning incorrectly in Joomla 3.x frontend admin pages.
  • Bug Fix #714: Move gallery titles below menu images to improve alignment issues.
  • Bug Fix #705: Fix all php strict standard warnings.
  • Bug Fix #735: Module can select to many images if no limit put in.
Content Plugin
  • Bug Fix #705: Fix all php strict standard warnings.

3.5 - 5th August 2013
  • Feature #623: Added built in image ratings to the gallery with guest rating, removed AL Ratings integration, added a migrator that will migrate any previous alratings data to the gallery ratings when 3.5 is installed.
  • Bug Fix #697: Fixed wrong image sometimes appearing if image linked to directly and filenames in gallery are similar.
  • Bug Fix #689: Fixed seo links on thumb grid repeating some links.
  • Bug Fix #687: Fixed Joomla 3.x canonical tag redericting the link to the image on the facebook like button.
  • Bug Fix #683: Fixed remove multiple image tags option in backend image list not working
Content plugin
  • Bug Fix #686: Content plugin should match dashes in tags
  • Bug Fix #666: If 2 galleries on the same page, both should not use the hash in the url.
Editor Button plugin
  • Bug Fix #700: In Joomla 3.1.4 or above the button does not appear below the text editor.

3.4.8 - 20th May 2013
  • Feature #674: Add Russian langauge.
  • Bug Fix #680: If 2 galleries on the same page, the magnify icon aligns incorrectly.
  • Change #:679 Al Ratings 2.0 option is hidden now from profile unless enabled in component options. A new built in ratings system that works in Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0 will be released soon.
  • Bug Fix #678: Child categories should not be able to be chosen as the parent category.
  • Bug Fix #676: In Joomla 3.0 admin section, the pagination items per page select box is missing.
  • Bug Fix #675: In Joomla 3.0 admin section, selecting all items at the top of the select column does not work.
  • Bug Fix #673: When thumbs set to top position, the thumb container width can not be manually set.
  • Bug Fix #671: The parent select box in the frontend admin section in Joomla 3.0 is too small too easily select.
  • Bug Fix #670: The slideshow should auto stop when the lightbox is opened.
  • Bug Fix #669: When search is set to show in profile, and search results are set to tagged, the results should not have any menu images on that page.
Search plugin
  • Bug Fix #668: If the image alt text has html entities in it, the title in the search results displays incorrect.

3.4.7 - 18th April 2013
  • Bug Fix #665: Fixed bug in 3.4.5 where gallery does not work with thumbs hidden.
  • Bug Fix #664: When the thumb container width is manually set, the thumbs spacing is too wide.

3.4.6 - 17th April 2013
  • Bug Fix #662: Fixed bug in 3.4.5 where portrait images do not align properly in lightbox when the lightbox has its size reduced.

3.4.5 - 16th April 2013
  • Bug Fix #651: Add native Joomla 3.0 html to the 3 list views in the admin section of the component.
  • Bug Fix #647: Fix image sometimes jumping 1px when the image swaps and the image fade transition is on.
  • Bug Fix #646: Fix images sometimes not displayed at 100% sharpness since responsive layout was added.
  • Bug Fix #661: Import from server function shows fatal error in Joomla 3.0
  • Bug Fix #659: When an image is liked on facebook, and the return link is cliked on, in a some cases an infinite rederict occurs.
  • Bug Fix #658: In IE10 the thumbnails may wobble up and down when the gallery has been sized down.
  • Bug Fix #655: The image description that is sent to facebook does not display html entities correctly.

3.4.4 - 9th April 2013
  • Bug Fix #657: Fixed bug in 3.4.3 where in Joomla 3.0 the lightbox thumbs tab in the profile settings will not display.

3.4.3 - 8th April 2013
  • Bug Fix #595: Lightbox should be responsive in regards to browser height as well as browser width.
  • Bug Fix #654: New profile page should have native joomla 3.0 html.
  • Bug Fix #652: The edit image details page should have native Joomla 3.0 html.
  • Bug Fix #642: Sometimes the return url of a facebook like or comment does not go back to the right image.
  • Bug Fix #653: Remove index.html files from folders as this is no longer a requirement.
  • Bug Fix #650: Fix email notify new image uploaded or new category created not working in Joomla 3.0
  • Bug Fix #654: Upgrade plupload to 1.5.6
  • Bug Fix #644: Read more link in Jcomments latest comments module does not load correct image.
  • Bug Fix #641: Fix content plugin not being inserted if jquery is loaded in Joomla 2.5 admin section.

3.4.2 - 25th March 2013
  • Bug Fix #632: In version 3.4 and 3.4.1, if there are no menu images, the layout is incorrect.
  • Bug Fix #629: Added correct Joomla 3.0 markup for the new category view.
  • Bug Fix #622: Magnify gif sometimes displays in wrong place in chrome.
  • Bug Fix #617: Horizontal bar shows if thumbs set to left or right and gallery sizes down a lot.
  • Bug Fix #608: In IE the back button on the first image goes to the last image, not the previous page.
  • Change #603: Sliverlight and Browserplus options removed from plupload. These options are rarely used and cause the gallery install to be rejected by some server security modules.
  • Bug Fix #590: When image tags are shown, and the link is clicked on, the destination tagged page should not show menu images.
  • Bug Fix #638: Fix open lightbox and show correct thumb when the facebook like link within facebook is clicked and main image is hidden.
  • Bug Fix #636: When a image is directly linked to with a hash in the url, the rating for the first image is shown.
Content plugin
  • Bug Fix #615: If an index is done in Joomlas smart search component, and the gallery content plugin is enabled, and error occurs.
Jcomments plugin
  • Bug Fix #635: The links provided to the Jcomments latest comments module link to only the first image in the gallery.

3.4.1 - 26th February 2013
  • Bug Fix #620: Fixed 3.4 bug where lightbox image displays incorrect on second lightbox open.
  • Bug Fix #618: Fixed 3.4 bug where facebook like button does not share image with facebook.
  • Bug Fix #611: Fixed 3.4 bug where the magnify icon does not align correctly in chrome/safari.
  • Bug Fix #607: When multiple galleries on a page, and main image hidden, and hash in url, only one lightbox should auto open.
  • Bug Fix #609: In Joomla 3.0, jquery should not be added in the backend to plupload, as jquery is already there.

3.4 - 18th February 2013
  • Joomla 3.0 is now supported.
  • Feature #77: Responsive layout added. The gallery will now resize to fit the width of the space provided by the template. The gallery lightbox will resize to fit the window width.
  • Change #606: Internet Explorer 7 is no longer supported. IE7 does not support the modern css needed to do responsive layouts.
  • Bug Fix #579: Facebook like button is now done with xfbml instead of the iframe method. This allows facebook to add a share or comment link when the image is liked.
  • Bug Fix #580: Twitter button is now done using standard twitter button javascript/html not the iframe method.
  • Bug Fix #589: Back button problems when navigating back through images fixed.
  • Bug Fix #596: The image shared with facebook or googple plus should be the big image not the thumbnail.
  • Bug Fix #588: With sef urls on, and Joomla 2.5.6 or later, deleting an image in the frontend will not work.
  • Bug Fix #584: Gallery should have a css class representing the profile.
  • Bug Fix #583: All links to images/css/javascript files should be relative urls, this fixes some issues on https sites.
Content plugin, Editor Button Plugin, Module, Search Plugin
  • There have been no changes to these, but their version number has been updated to 3.4 to avoid future confusion.

3.3.1 - 6th November 2012
  • Bug Fix #565: In combination with a small number of templates, a php error is raised reporting the router.php file has not included a class.
  • Bug Fix #561: In IE9, when the thumbs are scrolled, content beneath the thumbs may move down the page.
  • Improvement #489: The hash change in the url now works on lightbox image swap. Also, if the main image is hidden, and there is a hash in the url on page load, the lightbox will auto open and show the correct image.
Content plugin
  • Bug Fix #564: Content plugin should read Joomla 1.5 legacy article code when ‘classic’ is the gallery type.

3.3 - 16th October 2012
  • Feature #563: Added basic Joomla 3.0 functionality. Some major 3.0 features like a responsive layout have not been completed, the gallery is not fully Joomla 3.0 ready, but in version 3.3, the basic functionality has been completed.
  • Requirement Change: Version 3.3 requires Joomla 2.5.5 to function. This is nescessary to make a dual Joomla 2.5/Joomla 3.0 version.
  • Joomla 3.0 preperation #548: Put install/uninstall methods into a scriptfile.
  • Joomla 3.0 preperation #549: Remove all calls depreciated Joomla functions except JError and JRequest.
  • Joomla 3.0 preperation #550: Remove all calls to depreciated mootools functions.
  • Bug Fix #551: Gallery template files should not use php brackets as these make editing of the template files harder.
  • Bug Fix #545: Hash of first image should be added to url on page load.
  • Performance #543: Removed all recursive database calls from backend display functions.
  • Bug Fix #534: Pagination limit in profile should not effect limit set in module
  • Bug Fix #525: When module/plugin display menu images, the links on the menu images don't have the same sef url as the component.
  • Bug Fix #546: When module/plugin display menu images, empty categories should not be shown.
  • Feature #556: Added Joomla 3.0 compatibility.
Content plugin
  • Feature #559: Added Joomla 3.0 compatibility.
Editor Button plugin
  • Feature #560: Added Joomla 3.0 compatibility.
Search plugin
  • Feature #557: Added Joomla 3.0 compatibility.
Image Inserter plugin
  • Feature #558: Added Joomla 3.0 compatibility.

3.2.15 - 21st September 2012
  • Improvement #470: If a category has child categories, and show image count is set to yes in the profile - menu tab, the amount of sub categories should show.
  • Bug Fix #531: After 3.2.13 changes, if the main image is hidden, and a hash is in the url, a javascript error occurs and the gallery stops working.
  • Bug Fix #528: After 3.2.13 changes, when an image is deleted, and Jcoments or Alratings is not installed, an error message is shown after the image is deleted
  • Bug Fix #533: Lightbox image not centered properly after 3.2.13 changes.
  • Bug Fix #530: Clicking on filesize column ordering in imagelist in backend makes a 500 error.
  • Joomla 3.0 preperation #532: Remove all DS constants and replace with a forward slash.
  • Joomla 3.0 preperation #529: Replace all calls to with native tree functions within the gallery (helpers/tree.php).

3.2.14 - 11th September 2012
  • Bug Fix #524: fixed bug in 3.2.13 where gallery does not display corrent in IE8.

3.2.13 - 10th September 2012
  • Feature #370: Add a twitter button for each image.
  • Feature #503: Each image url in the component is now an ajax crawalable url, so Google can read and index every image as a unique page. Each page has open graph tags for the image info.
  • Feature #505: Added a component option to use legacy urls for social buttons. If you are upgrading from 3.2.12, and your social buttons already have likes, please make sure this is set to yes, and your likes will be kept. The gallery should do this automatically on upgrade. Otherwise please leave this as no.
  • Feature #521: Add Czech langauge support, thanks to Petr Foltán from
  • Feature #507: Added a component option to control the width of the facebook like button as different languages have different content inside the button.
  • Feature #506: Added open graph tags for each gallery, including a tag for the menu image if present.
  • Bug Fix #440: Ratings position should be directly below image
  • Bug Fix #458: When an image is deleted, the record in Jcomments or Al Ratings should be deleted too.
  • Bug Fix #495: The left/right thumbnail arrows do not shrink down correctly when fit lightbox to window is on.
  • Bug Fix #496: Image list in backend should have a sortable id column.
  • Bug Fix #497: The menu images in the module should get their sizes from the profile assigned to the module.
  • Bug Fix #498: Limit in module settings does not work if pagination is on in the profile.
  • Bug Fix #501: In 3.2.12, scrolling to the correct thumb on page load stopped working.
  • Bug Fix #502: Improved the ability of the gallery to display correctly within tabs and sliders that have the gallery hidden on page load.
  • Bug Fix #504: Changed the size of the google plus one button to match other social buttons and removed the hide/re-display behavior of the button when the image swaps.
  • Bug Fix #517: Links that are auto added to the module images should be sef friendly and have the same routing behavior as the component links in all setups.
Content Plugin and Module
  • Feature #76: Added the new module types: show child categories, latest categories, most viewed categories, random categories. If you previously used the ‘show menu images’ option in the module, please choose one of the new module types.

3.2.12 - 30th July 2012
  • Feature #455: New option in profile to order images by date added.
  • Bug Fix #425: Facebook like button may say error before page has rendered
  • Bug Fix #460: Lightbox shrink may not work properly if thumbs are left and thumbs are big.
  • Bug Fix #463: Image list columns in gallery backend do not change display order when clicked on.
  • Bug Fix #464: If show amount of images in category is on, and category has no images and sub-categories, and image count of zero should not be shown.
  • Bug Fix #476: Facebook language locale should be auto set from Joomla locale.
  • Bug Fix #483: The filename should be displayed in the edit image screen.
  • Bug Fix #485: The plupload css/js files should be in the frontend media folder as the backend folders are sometimes htaccess protected.
  • Change #490: The grey border shadow is now done with css3. This is nescessary to get the lightbox shrink and future responsive layout features working correctly.
Content plugin
  • Bug Fix #477: Content plugin will not insert gallery code into Yootheme Zoo article.
  • Bug Fix #482: after upgrading to Joomla 2.5, the content plugin should read the legacy Joomla 1.5 article code.

3.2.11 - 10th May 2012
  • Bug Fix #443: Version 3.2.10 bug, child categories with no images are not displayed.
  • Bug Fix #422: If no descriptions in gallery, auto hide description part of gallery.
  • Bug Fix #434: Facebook comments javascript should call FB.XFBML.parse not FB.init multiple times.
  • Bug Fix #439: Make facebook like button wider to fit different languages.
  • Bug Fix #419: Preload counter undefined message in javascript console when lightbox opened twice.
Search plugin
  • Bug fix #424: Fatal php error in Joomla search component backend when the search plugin is enabled and there are gallery search results in the search history.

3.2.10 - 1st May 2012
  • Feature #49: Add/Remove multiple image tags function added to bottom of image list.
  • Feature #280: Option to show amount of images in category under menu image.
  • Feature #356: Paramaters in profile for alignment of main image and lightbox image.
  • Feature #411: Added option to show tags under thumbs.
  • Feature #420: Added Danish, Portuguese Brazilian, Finnish, Spainish, Italian language files.
  • Bug Fix #404: Upgrade plupload to 1.5.4 and jquery to 1.7.2
  • Bug Fix #138: Make username info easy to output in template.
  • Bug Fix #240: Remove html formatting if frontend image description copied into backend image description.
  • Bug Fix #384: Warnings show when gallery is installed and Joomla debug mode is on.
  • Bug Fix #385: Convert image file extensions to lowercase on import.
  • Bug Fix #386: exif/iptc import does not read all utf characters.
  • Bug Fix #388: Include site name in page title if Joomla config is set to do this.
  • Bug Fix #390: If there is a link in the text under thumbs, the wrong image is shown on lightbox open.
  • Bug Fix #391: Email field in component params does not save.
  • Bug Fix #393: Filenames should have underscores removed when displayed under image.
  • Bug Fix #394: Hide descriptions if main image is hidden.
  • Bug Fix #395: Breadcrumb links missing itemid.
  • Bug Fix #396: Make facebook like button wider.
  • Bug Fix #397: If lightbox opened twice in Firefox 11, some content is highlighted blue.
  • Bug Fix #398: If thumbs set to left, set default column amount to 1
  • Bug Fix #399: Fix wobble when thumbs left and scrollbar set to display.
  • Bug Fix #408: Clicking on main image to advance does not work if links are on some images.
  • Bug Fix #403: Make facebook comments width match gallery width
  • Bug Fix #414: Lightbox shrink feature does not work properly on second lightbox open.
  • Bug Fix #415: Lightbox shrink broken in Opera 11.6.
  • Bug Fix #418: Lightbox shrink not sizing down left right slideshow arrows.

3.2.9 - 5th March 2012
  • Feature #378 :Jcomments integration, please download the jcomments plugin file from the downloads page if Jcomments is being used.
  • Feature #361: Added a create permission to the profile acl so create for categories can be no in global, but create for images can be set to yes in profile.
  • Feature #369: Added a config option to enable/disable image hit statistics collection. On a busy server, a hit for each image view may be to many hits.
  • Bug Fix #324: Categories don’t display in backend if the category owner’s id changes.
  • Bug Fix #363: More clear error reporting when a public user tries to access frontend admin tasks. This area is for registered users only.
  • Bug Fix #367: Search going to tagged gallery feature not working.
  • Bug Fix #371: Left/right slideshow arrows should have a mouse hand on hover.
  • Bug Fix #372: Fixed css not validating and creating compression problems
  • Bug Fix #377: Changed plupload jquery noconflict so it integrates with the jquery easy plugin.

3.2.8 - 23 January 2012
  • Bug Fix #364: If the lightbox is off, and the main image is hidden, a javascript error stops the links on the thumbs from working.
  • Bug Fix #358: If the main image is hidden, and the google plus one button is on in the lightbox, a javscript error stops the gallery from working.

3.2.7 - 09 January 2012
  • Feature #360: Add Dutch, French, German, Norwegian and Swedish support.
  • Feature #341: Clicking the big image makes the gallery progress to next image.
  • Feature #331: Google Plus one button added.
  • Feature #262: Add paramater to control display of access level in frontend admin screens.
  • Bug Fix #359: Joomla 2.5 beta has a Table class categoryTableIgallery not found error in frontend.
  • Bug Fix #358: Joomla 2.5 beta has a Jrule class not found error when making a new profile.
  • Bug Fix #357: Facebook comments always displays a warning when the content plugin displays a gallery with facebook comments.
  • Bug Fix #353: Template overrides use incorrect path when the module or plugin are used.
  • Bug Fix #:346 Plupload scripts put into html body so they are more likely to load after jquery.
  • Bug Fix #342: Import from server function broke in 3.2.6
  • Bug Fix #338: Alratings did not function correctly in Google Chrome
  • Bug Fix #335: Changed facebook javascript so it always loads through https, mixed loading might make warnings in IE.
Module and Content Plugin
  • Feature #272: Module and Plugin have highest rated option that will get data from ALratings.

3.2.6 - 01 November 2011
  • Feature #50: Facebook Comments Integration
  • Bug Fix #328: Lightbox opening speed should not get value from slideshow fade speed.
  • Bug Fix #327: Category list in frontend category managment screen only lists 20 categories.
  • Bug Fix #323: Gallery has javascript error when slideshow arrows left/right, and slideshow autostart on.
  • Bug Fix #319: Module may not load if on same page as component gallery, and there is an image paramater in url.
  • Bug Fix #311: Advanced module manager extension displays paramaters differently than Joomla module manager
  • Bug Fix #307: Remove problamatic mime checking from upload script, file extension checking and image dimension checking is sufficient.

3.2.5 - 30 September 2011
  • Bug Fix #313: Images uploaded in firefox 7 with plupload html5 mode give a file extension incorrect error. Plupload updated to
  • Bug Fix #308: Clean up langauge strings in preperation for translations.

3.2.4 - 26 September 2011
  • Feature #185: Profile option to have slideshow buttons appear on left/right of main image.
  • Feature #278: Profile option to show filename/description/alt text below thumbs.
  • Feature #253: Profile option to show image numbering in gallery.
  • Feature #190: Profile option to show filename in image description.
  • Feature #269: Keyboard navigation of gallery with left/right arrows.
  • Bug Fix #304: Module does not work with advanced module manager extension.
  • Bug Fix #301: If an original image is no longer on the server, there should be a clear error message and a way to delete that image.
  • Bug Fix #299: Multiple profiles lead to incorrect layout of menu image widths.
  • Bug Fix #291: Thumb left/right arrows do not take up 100% width in IE7.
  • Bug Fix #287: Remove display of page title at the top of the gallery.
  • Bug Fix #285: Before component paramaters are saved, default upload limit is 1500KB, should be 4000KB.
  • Bug Fix #281: Fix untranslated string in menu manager backend.
  • Bug Fix #266: Category select lists should be indented for subcategories.
  • Bug Fix #254: Do a javascript check to make sure html is there before starting gallery javascript.
  • Bug Fix #300: Make resize large images before upload a default setting.
  • Bug Fix #249: Itemid sometimes not kept in frontend image management screens.

3.2.3 - 2 September 2011
  • Bug Fix #271: Gallery does not show a error message if AL ratings integration is turned on but AL ratings is not installed.
  • Bug Fix #270: Tagged gallery links from the component do not display all tagged images.
  • Bug Fix #273: Facebook like container is too wide and can break layout.
  • Bug Fix #264: Shrink lightbox to window breaks gallery layout if thumbs are below.

3.2.2 - 15 August 2011
  • Feature #62: Add AL Ratings integration.
  • Feature #123: Change facebook share button to facebook like button, facebook share is depreciated.
  • Bug Fix #141: Make pagination fields text fields so any number can be added.

3.2.1 - 8 August 2011
  • Bug Fix #261: Error notice in igallery router file when search is done.
  • Bug Fix #259: Import from server not working.
  • Bug Fix #257: Frontend upload imagelist stops at 20.
  • Bug Fix #252: Some language terms are not translated in Joomla 1.7
  • Bug Fix #246: Thumb scroller does not scroll on right to left sites.

3.2 - 20 June 2011
  • Feature #205: Added moderation option for frontend image adding and frontend category creation.
  • Feature #206: Added configuration paramaters to control which frontend form fields show, and what the default values for the category and the profile should be.
  • Bug Fix #218: Sometimes the frontend save and apply buttons return to index.php and don’t save.
  • Bug Fix #217: Module makes incorrect links when pagination is on.
  • Bug Fix #216: When module is on same page as frontend imiage management, a fatal php error occurs.
  • Bug Fix #231: Manage Images link should only be active if category access allows editing.
  • Bug Fix #229: Edit own permissions does not allow editing within the manage images section.
  • Bug Fix #226: Slideshow should stop when thumbnails are clicked.
  • Bug Fix #221: Slideshow buttons don’t update hash in url.
  • Bug Fix #219: Frontend image upload screen should display category title.

3.1.2 - 24 May 2011
  • Bug Fix #215: Fix inconsistencies in head javascript construction that lead to javascript errors on some servers.

3.1.1 - 23 May 2011
  • Feature #194: upgrade plupload to, fixed issues with chrome.
  • Bug Fix #203: Added option to load or not load jquery for frontend uploader.
  • Bug Fix #202: Fix frontend image management layout issues with Yootheme templates
  • Bug Fix #201: Fix report image task that broke in 3.1
  • Bug Fix #200: Fix download image task that broke in 3.1
  • Bug Fix #199: Better error reporting for uploader
  • Bug Fix #184: Better error reporting for watermarking with text.
Content Plugin
  • Bug Fix #187: Spaces in tags cause all images to be selected.
  • Bug Fix #183: Plugin does not read numeric tags.

3.1 - 10 May 2011
  • Feature #174: Added frontend category and image management.
  • Feature #68: Added Joomla ACL to individual profiles.
  • Feature #67: Added a Edit Own field to the ACL.
  • Feature #180: Added Polish language support
  • Bug Fix #182: Facebook share urls broken when url is uppercase.
  • Bug Fix #159: Incorrect Itemid is returned when links to other galleries are made.
  • Bug Fix #155: Facebook urls should be based on filename, not ordering in gallery.
  • Bug Fix #156: Module has php error when child categories are included.
Editor Button
  • Bug Fix #179: Button does not work in frontend.

3.0.1 - 18 April 2011
  • Bug fix: #169: In Joomla 1.6.2, the new profile button does not work.

3.0 - 23 March 2011
(changes since 3.0 beta 3 are below)
  • Feature #144: Add Greek language support.
  • Feature #82: Update plupload to 1.4.2.
  • Bug fix: #31: Gallery strips all formatting from exif/iptc description, not javascript only.
  • Bug fix: #125: If share facebook is on, and image paramater in url, image description formatting is lost.
  • Bug fix: #130: Meta description is added to head if the category description is empty.
  • Bug fix: #33: Plupload refreshes to early in html5 mode, and can miss last image.
  • Bug fix: #85: html5 resize before upload fails in chrome.
  • Bug fix: #132: Page title does not show if menu item params says it should.
  • Bug fix: #137: If module/plugin is used, and the current template does a com_content override, a php fatal error happens.
  • Bug fix: #58: Main image preloading happens when main images are hidden.
  • Bug fix: #114: Facebook share does not align properly.
  • Bug fix: #133: Open lightbox twice, and second time, slideshow buttons load wrong images.
  • Bug fix: #136: Editor button shows in frontend, but does not load a view. Editor button is now disabled in frontend until frontend gallery creation is added.
  • Bug fix: #110: Lots of notices if error reporting is set to full.
Search plugin - Image Inserter Plugin
  • Bug fix #25: Search plugin makes incorrect links if pagination is on.

Joomla 1.5 Branch:

2.7.11 - 04 July 2012
  • Bug Fix #456: If Jcomments 2.3 is installed, an error message happens when images or categories are deleted.
Post release notes

You can install 2.7.11 on top of any 2.7.x version. All php/css files will be overwritten, but no content will be lost. To upgrade from version 2.6 or earlier, please see the common support questions.

2.7.10 - 05 May 2012
  • Bug fix #375: Fix css validation
  • Bug fix #376: Left/right slideshow arrows should have a mouse cursor on hover
  • Bug fix #382: Jquery easy plugin strips noConflict() javascript in uploader
  • Bug fix #389: Make facebook like wider for different languages
  • Bug fix #392: Ordering columns in backend image list not working
  • Bug fix #401: Firefox shows blue highlight when lightbox opened 2 times
  • Bug fix #406: Update plupload to 1.5.4
  • Bug fix #417: Lightbox displays incorrect in Opera when fit lightbox to window is on.
  • Bug fix #427: Convert image file extensions to lowercase on import.
  • Bug fix #428: Exif/iptc import does not read all utf characters.
  • Bug fix #429: If there is a link in the text under thumbs, the wrong image is shown on lightbox open.
  • Bug fix #430: Filenames should have underscores removed when displayed under image.
  • Bug fix #431: Make facebook comments width match gallery width
  • Bug fix #432: Lightbox shrink feature does not shrink properly on second lightbox open.
  • Bug fix #433: Lightbox shrink not sizing down left right slideshow arrows.
  • Bug fix #438: Facebook comments javascript should call FB.XFBML.parse not FB.init multiple times.
  • Bug fix #445: Facebook like button says error before page has been loaded

2.7.9 - 16 January 2012
  • Feature #343: Google plus one button added
  • Feature #340: Clicking the big image makes the gallery progress to next image.
  • Bug Fix #:349 Plupload scripts put into html body so they are more likely to load after jquery.
  • Bug Fix #348: Import from server function broke in 2.7.8
  • Bug Fix #337: Changed facebook javascript so it always loads through https, mixed loading might make warnings in IE.
  • Bug Fix #336: Template overrides use incorrect path when the module or plugin are used.
  • Bug Fix #334: Alratings did not function correctly in Google Chrome
  • Bug Fix #90: Clicking on an image before page has loaded might open a new window.

2.7.8 - 07 November 2011
  • Feature #333: Facebook Comments Integration
  • Bug Fix #330: Gallery has javascript error when slideshow arrows left/right, and slideshow autostart on.
  • Bug Fix #318: Remove problamatic mime checking from upload script, file extension checking and image dimension checking is sufficient.
  • Bug Fix #315: Added "auto" option for mootools mode in component paramaters and made this default. The gallery will choose mootools 1.1 or 1.2 mode depending on whether the mootools upgrade plugin in Joomla is enabled.
  • Bug Fix #309: If over 200 users, owner of the gallery may not be shown in the owner select list in backend.
  • Bug Fix #268: Module may not load if on same page as component gallery, and there is an image paramater in url.

2.7.7 - 30 September 2011
  • Bug Fix #312: Images uploaded in firefox 7 with plupload html5 mode give a file extension incorrect error. Plupload updated to

2.7.6 - 28 September 2011
  • Feature #296: Profile option to show filename/description/alt text below thumbs.
  • Feature #290: Profile option to show image numbering in gallery.
  • Feature #292: Keyboard navigation of gallery with left/right arrows.
  • Bug Fix #305: Problems loading new category/profile page if more than 10,000 users on site.
  • Bug Fix #298: Multiple profiles lead to incorrect layout of menu image widths.
  • Bug Fix #297: Do a javascript check to make sure html is there before starting gallery javascript.
  • Bug Fix #294: Links not added automatically in module if thumbs are hidden.
  • Bug Fix #293: Thumb left/right arrows do not take up 100% width in IE7.
  • Bug Fix #289: Remove display of page title at the top of the gallery.
  • Bug Fix #288: com_content pagination vars interfere with the module and images do not show.
  • Bug Fix #284: Before component paramaters are saved, default upload limit is 1500KB, should be 4000KB.
  • Bug Fix #283: Add an install script to stop the J15 version being installed into J17.
  • Bug Fix #282: Plugin/module image limit paramater not working in category type
  • Bug Fix #255: Make resize large images before upload a default setting.
  • Bug Fix #238: If an original image is no longer on the server, there should be a clear error message and a way to delete that image.

2.7.5 - 13 September 2011
  • Feature #279: Added option to show filename in description.
  • Feature #276: Added option to have slideshow arrows on left right of main image.
  • Feature #204: Added config paramater to control whether jquery is included with plupload in frontend.
  • Feature #265: Change facebook share button to facebook like button. Facebook share is depreciated
  • Bug fix: #274: Change pagination fields to text fields for more flexibility
  • Bug fix: #251: Scroller does not work in right to left sites.
  • Bug fix: #222: Id should show in backend profile list.

2.7.4 - 17 May 2011
  • Feature #161: Added Brazilian language support.
  • Feature #158: Added Serbian language support.
  • Bug fix: #198: Improve error reporting for swfupload and plupload
  • Bug fix: #193: upgrade plupload to to fix uploader not working in chrome.
  • Bug fix: #178: Lighbox will not close if Jcomments form is enabled but hidden.
  • Bug fix: #162: Plupoad should be default uploader.
  • Bug fix: #165: Facebook share urls break if uppercase letters are used.
  • Bug fix: #175: 2 dollar selectors from mootools 1.2 code need removing
  • Bug fix: #164: Better error reporting for watermarking with text.
Content Plugin
  • Bug fix #170: Spaces in tags cause all images to be selected.
  • Bug fix #171: Plugin does not read numeric tags.

2.7.3 - 29 March 2011
  • Bug fix: #153: The facebook share urls are based on the image ordering, and if the image ordering changes, facebook caches the wrong data. Facebook urls changed to be based on image filename.
  • Bug fix: #151: If mootools mode set to 1.2, and enlarge gif set to hidden, lightbox close button would not work.
  • Bug fix: #23: If fit lightbox to window is on, and lightbox thumbs left, thumbs drop down below main image.
  • Bug fix: #135: Enlarge gif disappears after 10 image swaps.
  • Bug fix: #143: Category alias field in database should be 255 length, not 256.
  • Bug fix: #147: In IE7, the left right arrows below the thumb scroller do not extend 100% of the width of the thumbs.
  • Bug fix: #150: The report image text does not align with the share on facebook image.
Content Plugin
  • Bug fix #154: If there are multiple tags in the plugin article code, the gallery selects all images, not the images with those tags.

2.7.2 - 11 March 2011
  • Bug fix: #140: When a category has menu images, there is an error message that profile width is zero.

2.7.1 - 10 March 2011
  • Feature #37: 3 new paramaters in upload tab, server max width and height, and keep original in gallery. If the image is below the server max width/height, the original will be kept on upload. If keep original in gallery is yes, and the original is smaller than the gallery size, the original will be used.
  • Feature #118: Clicking on dark part of lightbox closes lightbox.
  • Feature #139: Add Dutch language support.
  • Feature #82: Update plupload to 1.4.2.
  • Bug fix #2: If 2 profiles, and module selects seconds, some values from profile 1 get added.
  • Bug fix #36: Comments in Jcomments not deleted when an image is deleted
  • Bug fix: #131: Menu image template file is included when there are no menu images
  • Bug fix: #134: If save description for an image, then upload image directly after, image not assigned to a category.
  • Bug fix: #27: Not all of pagination in frontend such as previous next is showing, just the middle page numbers.
  • Bug fix: #30: Gallery does not work when Jcomments is on and has the form hidden or disabled.
  • Bug fix: #31: Gallery strips all formatting from exif/iptc description, not javascript only.
  • Bug fix: #38: If there are hundreds of users, profile acl tab tries to load them all, it should only load groups
  • Bug fix: #87: Lightbox play button has wrong path in original html load
  • Bug fix: #113: Hide lightbox thumbs and click on large image leads to javascript error
  • Bug fix: #125: If share facebook is on, and image paramater in url, image description formatting is lost.
  • Bug fix: #130: Meta description is added to head if the category description is empty
  • Bug fix: #33: Plupload refreshes to early in html5 mode, and can miss last image
  • Bug fix: #85: html5 resize before upload fails in chrome
  • Bug fix: #124: filename fields in database should be 255 long, not 128
  • Bug fix: #127: uninstall.igallery.php file position causes an install error in Joomla 1.5.10 (Why is anyone still using 1.5.10!)
Search plugin - Image Inserter Plugin
  • Bug fix #25: Search plugin makes incorrect links if pagination is on.